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Action Research 

Research Question: How does professional development in the form of a blended learning station rotation model impact elementary teachers' self-efficacy in implementing blended learning in their classrooms?

I am excited to take on this action research project,

which is a cornerstone of my innovation plan. This initiative aims to transform teaching and learning in my school district through the implementation of blended learning. By focusing on the station rotation model, my goal is to provide robust professional development for elementary teachers, enhancing their self-efficacy and instructional practices.


The Empower: Blended Learning Leadership Program is designed to bring numerous benefits to both teachers and students. For teachers, the professional development will offer practical strategies and support to confidently integrate blended learning into their classrooms. This empowerment will lead to more dynamic and engaging learning environments, tailored to meet diverse student needs. For students, the shift to blended learning promises increased engagement, personalized learning experiences, and improved academic outcomes.

My research will have a mixed-methods approach, combining qualitative and quantitative data to comprehensively understand the impacts. Quantitative data from surveys will measure changes in teachers' self-efficacy, while qualitative insights from interviews and focus groups will provide depth to these findings, capturing teachers' experiences and challenges. This well-rounded approach will show how blended learning professional development influences classroom practices and teacher confidence.

By examining the effects of blended learning on teacher self-efficacy, this action research will provide valuable insights and evidence to support the wider adoption of blended learning practices in my district, ultimately enhancing the educational experiences of both teachers and students.

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