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Image by Christin Hume

Assessing Digital Learning & INSTRUCTION

5315: Assessing Digital Learning & Instruction

During the "Assessing Digital Learning" course, I created an action research plan to boost teacher self-efficacy through professional development in blended learning. This involved developing a thorough strategy for collecting both qualitative and quantitative data. I also conducted a literature review to investigate current studies on the effectiveness of blended learning and its impact on teacher self-efficacy. This experience offered me crucial insights into effective practices for blended learning professional development. The course greatly enhanced my understanding of action research and its application in fostering educational innovation.

Action Research


Image by Bram Naus

This outline aims to transform teaching and learning in my school district through the implementation of blended learning. By focusing on the station rotation model, my goal is to provide robust professional development for elementary teachers, enhancing their self-efficacy and instructional practices. Read my action research outline below. 



The purpose of this review is to explore the research supporting professional development delivered through the station rotation model approach and its impacts on elementary teachers' self-efficacy in implementing blended learning in their classrooms. For a deeper dive, click below. 

Image by Bench Accounting

Action Research


Image by NordWood Themes

My Action Research Plan allowed me to finalize all of the plans necessary to effectively gather data on elementary teacher self-efficacy after experiencing the station rotation model in blended learning professional development. See details below. 

Contribution to my


The collaboration group I've been a part of has continually encouraged and motivated me. Take a deeper dive into this semester's collaborative efforts!

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