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Image by Anete Lūsiņa



5303: Applying Educational Technology: ePortfolio

In this course, I have created, edited, and revised my ePortfolio to share work, reflect on growth, and develop and share my voice with others. Below is a compilation of the work completed in this course and program. 




From the time I first created my ePortfolio to now, I have made many aesthetic changes as well as mental shifts in what this ePortfolio means to me. Check out some of my latest blog posts to see the progression: 

Growth Mindset


Cultivating a growth mindset is pivotal for achieving positive change. As I progress through the ADL program, my idea of a growth mindset has evolved and has proven itself to be one of the key components of success. I now acknowledge that setbacks and challenges are not hindrances but rather stepping stones, propelling us toward both self-improvement and self-acceptance. Since completing the Growth Mindset Plan in 5302, I've also learned that instilling a growth mindset has a profound importance when creating significant learning environments. To ensure our learners flourish, a growth mindset must be established.


Click the link below to see how I intend to spread the concept of growth mindset to the District Leadership Team and teachers of NISD as a part of my Innovation Plan to help create an environment that fosters endless possibilities and opportunities.


Additionally, click around my blog to gain further insight into my journey with growth mindset. 

Image by Nik



Highly engaged, student-centered classrooms play a pivotal role in students' learning and can be achieved via blended learning environments; nevertheless, teachers must receive learner-centered, ongoing professional development to properly and effectively implement blended learning in the classrooms. The Blended Learning Leadership Program will give our teachers the empowerment and foundation they need to shift to a blended learning environment and transform their classrooms from traditional to innovative!


Click the link below to view my Innovation Plan in its entirety. 

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Throughout the ADL program, knowing who we are as learners has been one of the most important aspects. My view of learning has changed and evolved from my time as a child to an adult. The ADL Program has allowed me to delve deep into the exploration of what true learning means and what drives one to want to learn and grow. In addition to understanding myself as a learner, I've also been given great opportunities to explore who I am as a facilitator of learning and what significant learning looks and feels like for others. 


To see my learning manifesto and my journey as a learner, click on the link below.

Coffee and Book



Having my learning community in the ADL Program has been one of the most rewarding experiences. Additionally, having passionate, caring, motivated individuals to lean on has made all the difference-especially when it comes to my personal growth. 


Take a look at my latest blog post to see in detail the positive impacts of my learning community.

Image by Ian Schneider
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