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Leading Organizational CHANGE

5304: Leading Organizational Change

Throughout this course, I've learned what it means to be a self-differentiated leader who can address the inevitable resistance to change that will occur when I launch my innovation plan. Through the Influencer Model and the 4 Disciplines of Execution along with Crucial Conversations, I feel I am more equipped to handle the leadership that comes with bringing something completely new to the table. 

What's Your


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My WHY statement helps promote the significance of my innovation plan, speaks to the hearts of stakeholders, and helps to establish a sense of urgency. Take a look at my WHY below. 



To bring about change in my district, I've adopted the Influencer Model and utilized the Six Sources of Influence. Check out my complete Influener Strategy below.

Image by Zach Lucero

4 Disciplines of 


Image by Christin Hume

Wildly important goals can go to the back burner if not handled properly. The 4 Disciplines of Execution (4DX) provides a plan for anyone to bring those WIGs back to the forefront all while measuring and maintaining innovation and success! Take a look at how I plan to implement the 4DX model with my Innovation Plan!



Implementing change within an organization presents numerous challenges. The pivotal aspect of this process lies in cultivating self-differentiated leadership with an understanding of navigating crucial conversations. See how I plan to implement these strategies below. 

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Contribution to My


Image by Joel Muniz

The collaboration group I've been a part of has continually encouraged and motivated me. Take a deeper dive into this semester's collaborative efforts!

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