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Applied Digital

By focusing on learning as a first priority, the learning will drive the selection, implementation, and application of technology within the learning environment. This focus allows technology to be put into its proper place where it enhances learning as opposed to a directive tool that can potentially limit learning.

Notepad on Desk

The Concepts of Educational Technology emphasizes how Information and Communication Technology (ICT) can enhance the teaching and learning experience and enable students to acquire 21st century skills.

Image by Igor Son

Applying Educational Technology: Portfolio focuses on creating an ePortfolio to share work, reflect on growth, and develop personal voice. 

Image by Lauren Mancke

Creating Significant Learning Environments focuses on analyzing and incorporating constructivist theories to create and implement significant digital learning environments. 

Image by John Schnobrich

Throughout this course, I've learned what it means to be a self-differentiated leader who can address the inevitable resistance to change that will occur when I launch my innovation plan. Through the Influencer Model and the 4 Disciplines of Execution along with Crucial Conversations, I feel I am more equipped to handle the leadership that comes with bringing something completely new to the table. 

Image by Memento Media

Throughout this course, I have explored a diverse range of digital tools within digital environments, explored various publication options, delved into audio and visual digital tools, and analyzed engaging media formats. Through this exploration, I have successfully crafted a final draft of a publication and produced a podcast to further explain my ideas and connections to the classroom. 

Image by Christin Hume
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