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Image by Christin Hume



5320: Synthesis Digital Learn/Leader

Throughout this course, I've had the opportunity to reflect on my journey in the Applied Digital Learning Program at Lamar University. Specifically, I've analyzed how COVA and CSLE (Harapnuik, n.d.) has impacted both my innovation plan and my role as an Instructional Technology Specialist. I've also reflected on my Innovation Plan update, assessing my progress and future steps for implementation. Additionally, my time in the program has allowed me to consider my emotions, creations, highs and lows, and many other aspects of the experience. Read below to explore these reflections in detail.


COVA Reflection &


Image by Bram Naus
In this reflection, I share my journey in embracing the COVA approach and its impact on my role as a leader, teacher, and learner. I discuss the challenges, successes, and hesitations I encountered, as well as the significant learning environments I created by adopting COVA principles.

Innovation Plan


Reflection is crucial at every stage when implementing any project, plan, or idea. In this reflection, I assess and analyze my current progress in implementing the Empower: Blended Learning Leadership Program. In addition, I review all the components and work accomplished thus far, identify what still needs to be completed, evaluate my learning process, and determine what worked well and what could be improved. Check it out below!
Image by Bench Accounting

ADL Learning Journey


Image by NordWood Themes
Here, you'll see a small snapshot of my journey through the Applied Digital Learning (ADL) program at Lamar University. This showcase covers the many aspects of my ADL experience, providing insights into where I started, where I'm headed, highs and lows, accomplishments and more. 

Contribution to my


WHAT A GROUP! I can't say enough wonderful things about this team. Learning side-by-side with these leaders in education has been a transformative experience.

Be sure to check out their ePortfolios!
Lauren Blasdel
Deena Duarte-Fell
Matt Brooks


Check out my About page to explore: 
  • A little bit about me
  • My Learning Philosophy
  • Work Experience
  • Collaboration Group 
  • and What I'm Reading Next!
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