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Image by Jason Goodman
5 Stages of PL (1).png

Alternative Professional 

5389: Developing Effective Professional Learning

Traditional professional learning has proven time and time again to be ineffective with educators. It is oftentimes a one-day event with zero follow up. Many refer to it as a "sit and get." With an alternate approach, PL can now be engaging, personalized, specific, and given with ongoing support! PL can finally become meaningful. 


Throughout this course, I have consistently visited Duarte's 5 key principles to effective professional learning. With this in mind, I have been able to produce a BHAG, PL outline, alternative PL plan, and a call to action to stakeholders. Each of these elements are going to help bring my innovation plan for the Empower Blended Leadership Program to life. I am excited to bring the teachers in my district engaging and meaningful professional learning!

Alt. Professional


The CALL TO ACTION for Alternative Professional Learning is crucial for stakeholders to understand the value of giving teachers the ongoing support they need to be successful in the classroom. Click the link below to learn more. 

Alternate PD


Completing the outline for the Alternative Professional Development was by far the most rewarding process of the ADL Program. I was able to use the 5 Key Principles of Effective PL and my BHAG to drive my activities and timeline.

BHAG (Big Hairy Audacious Goal) – Overarching Course Goal:

Learners will feel empowered to transform traditional classrooms into learner-centered environments through the planning and implementation of blended learning while recognizing their role as innovative educators.

Alt. PL 


Image by Glenn Carstens-Peters

Contribution to my


The collaboration group I've been a part of has continually encouraged and motivated me. Take a deeper dive into this semester's collaborative efforts!

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