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Image by Christin Hume

Instructional Design & ONLINE LEARNING

5318: Instructional Design & Online Learning

Throughout this course, I have had the opportunity to create an online course for the Empower: Blended Learning Leadership Program. These modules include much of the foundation of the program as a whole. It has been such a fun, exciting experience to bring my ideas to life!




Image by Bram Naus

The outline was a great opportunity to bring many of my ideas for the Empower Program to life. I was excited to outline a course that would keep teachers' needs and time in mind. Take a look at my outline below. 



- Implementation

The implementation process of this online course has been extremely beneficial. I was able to create the modules and as well as in-person meetings. 

Image by Bench Accounting



- Usability/Reflection

Image by NordWood Themes

Having the opportunity to reflect on the usability of the online course allowed me to improve many pieces of the modules for teachers to be successful and engaged in the future. Involving stakeholders was extremely beneficial to my course but also gave them a glimpse inside what the Empower Program will offer. 

Contribution to my


The collaboration group I've been a part of has continually encouraged and motivated me. Take a deeper dive into this semester's collaborative efforts!

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