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Image by Thomas Lefebvre

Implementation Development 


My enthusiasm for implementing this online course stems from...

wanting to grow teachers' mindsets above all else. Prior to any implementation, such as significant learning environments, it's imperative that teachers adopt the right mindset. They must understand the WHY behind what I'm asking them to do and be mentally prepared to embark on this journey. I'm particularly excited to watch the small transformations and shifts in pedagogy. 


Throughout the development of this course, I prioritized active participation and ensured the content was engaging. I also tried to make collaboration fun and new! Many of the teachers participating will be exploring collaboration tools like Padlet and Flip for the first time. What's exciting is that as they experience these tools from a student's perspective, I hope they feel inspired to integrate them into their own classrooms.


For a detailed overview of my online course, please watch the video provided below.

What Learning Management System (LMS) or other digital sharing platforms like Google Docs are you planning to use? Why?:

I will be using Google Classroom for my LMS. The teachers in my district are familiar with this platform and use it daily. I will also be using various sharing platforms like Padlet, Flip, and others.


How will you implement the Overview/Introduction/Start Here Module or section of your course including videos, documents, and related resources?

I will hold a meeting introducing the online course platform. This meeting will go over all of the details in getting started. 


How will you implement the first 1-2 Modules of your course including videos, documents, and related resources?

Each module includes the learning goals FIRST so that students know what they are going to learn. This is followed by readings, videos, and discussion posts.


How will you use media to support and enhance learning?
Online courses cannot thrive without media. Much of my media includes TED Talk videos from YouTube. In addition to YouTube videos, I have embedded questions using Nearpod. 


Lecture in a digital age? When are lectures appropriate and how can they best be used?

Lectures have their place, but over the years, the need for them has decreased tremendously due to having the world at our fingertips. Instead of listening to me, I want the teachers in this program to explore on their own. Much of this course will be teachers discovering who they are and who they want to be as educators. Therefore, they do not need me to lecture them every single week. 


How are you relating your teaching methods to the knowledge and skills needed by your learners in a digital age?

Much of my teaching methods are done in ways of modeling. There will be many teachers in the course who have never viewed technology as a catalyst for student engagement. 



Implementation Assignment Considerations:


  • Where does the Overview/Introduction/Start Here module fit into the overall course map or design?

The Start Here section offers all the information about the class. It will include a Welcome Letter, Course Outline/Syllabus, a 3-Column Table, and a discussion post to have teachers introduce themselves and have the opportunity to learn who teaches similar subjects, grade level, etc. 

  • How is your instructional design approach realized in the modules?

The instructional design approach in the modules prioritizes student engagement, active participation, and student-driven learning. Many NEW ideas are going to be presented to teachers, and the goal is to get them thinking!

  • Where are you sharing the main course goal and outcomes with your learners?

I will be sharing it in the Start Here section as well as in our initial meeting to go over the course details. 

  • How does the module align outcomes activities and assessment?

The module aligns with the course's 3 column table and includes all learning and assessment activities.

  • Is this student-centered or teacher-led?

The course is student-centered with activities that promote collaboration and feedback from peers. I will be the facilitator offering a deeper understanding of the content but allowing the teachers in the program to truly find their own way in the ideas offered throughout the course.

  • Is the course blended or fully online?

The course is blended with 4 modules online and 2 in person. 

  • How are you introducing the course and yourself and how are you building the learning community?

I will introduce myself through a welcome letter and a meeting before the class starts. There are also discussion posts that go throughout the unit that will allow the teachers to build a learning community and provide opportunities for collaboration.

  • What is the ratio or percentage of synchronous to asynchronous collaboration?


40% of the course will be offered in person, and 60% of the course will be online. 

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