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From dispelling misconceptions about AI to the transformative power of student-created podcasts to practical tips for Pre-K settings, delve into innovative strategies for fostering engagement and preparing young learners for the digital future. Join the conversation on redefining education through technology and student-driven content creation!

Empowering Learners: AI, Podcasting, and Best Practices in EducationEmpowering Learners Podcast
00:00 / 29:05

Episode 1: "Empowering Learners: AI, Podcasting, and Best Practices in Education"

Introduction (0:53)
    • Brief introduction of hosts and purpose of the podcast- Shaneigh Smith, Deena Duarte-Fell, and Lauren Blasdel 

    • Explanation of the podcast's focus on the intersection of AI in education, student-created podcasts, and best practices for using technology in the PreK classroom.

AI in the Elementary Classroom (0:54 - 9:40)

Examples of how AI is being used to enhance teaching and learning experiences across all age groups, including pre-K settings.


The Power of Student-Created Podcasts (9:40 - 17:50)

Exploration of how podcasting empowers students to actively engage with course content and express their creativity, even in early childhood education.

Best Practices for the Pre-K Settings (17:51 - 24:57)
  • Providing equity for Pre-K students

  • What it means to be a digital native

  • Typing deemed as developmentally inappropriate by some

  • Then vs Now: Expectations on technology in the hands of littles

  • Speculation of technology over time: Keyboarding to AI

  • What does it look like to implement technology for Pre-K appropriately?

  • Using Station Rotation as a blended learning model for littles

  • Games vs. Curriculum 

  • Preparing students at the Pre-K level for the technology expectations to come


Future Directions and Recommendations (24:58 - 29:45)
  • Turning of the tide: More teachers are seeing the need for responsible technology and the need for building digital natives

  • Parents’ understanding of technology use in school

  • Teaching for the future

  • How educational technology has evolved over the last 20 years

Conclusion: Empowering Learners (29:55)
  • Empowering learners with AI

  • Empowering learners with student podcasts using choice, voice, ownership, and authentic learning environments (COVA)

  • Empowering Pre-K learners with technology


Paraphrased Reference:

Harapnuik, D. (2018, July 14). COVA. It's All About Learning.


Podcasting is an engaging way to transmit information to the world. Collaborating with Lauren and Deena on this project, I eagerly wanted to apply my passion for student-created podcasts, a topic I've explored extensively in my publication draft. Despite our diverse initial topics—AI in elementary education, student podcasts, and best practices for EdTech in Pre-K—the common thread of empowering learners quickly emerged as our focal point. Throughout our recording session, we remained centered on discussing this idea. 


My Innovation Plan is not so different. The Empower: Blended Learning Leadership Program was created for learners to feel empowered to transform traditional classrooms into learner-centered environments through the planning and implementation of blended learning while recognizing their role as innovative educators. So, where does student-created podcasting fit into this? Blended learning often revolves around student choice, ownership, voice, and authentic learning experiences and environments. Student-created podcasts perfectly contain each of these principles. While much of my innovation plan has offered a broad overview, I'm excited to share practical classroom implementation with step-by-step processes provided in my publication. 



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