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  • Writer's pictureShaneigh Smith

Revamping My ePortfolio: Emphasizing Authenticity and Progress

Transforming from a passive "sit and get" approach to an active "go and show" model, ePortfolios offer K-12 students, college learners, and professionals a dynamic avenue to demonstrate their learning through authentic and meaningful connections. By embracing choice, ownership, voice, and authenticity (COVA), individuals can create ePortfolio platforms that extend beyond the confines of the classroom or workplace (Harapnuik, 2023).

This sense of ownership empowers learners to choose their platform and generate content that personally resonates with them, ensuring a more meaningful learning experience.

Because ePortfolios are live for the world to see, it allows students to use their voices and express their ideas, beliefs, creations, and more.

Not only do ePortfolios provide opportunities for COVA, but they also provide continuous moments for building a growth and learners’ mindset. Just as we continue to learn and grow, our ePortofilio also evolves and grows with us. This allows learners to practice a growth mindset as they continue to build, take risks, and edit and revise their ePortfolios. This continuous journey enables students and professionals to witness their learning unfolding before their eyes, reinforcing their growth mindset and fueling their enthusiasm to refine and expand their ePortfolios.

As I have created my own ePortfolio, there have been many changes. From color schemes to pages to blog posts, I have transformed my ePortfolio from its beginnings. One of the major changes has been the design layout of my pages. For example, when I first began the process of creating my “5302: Learning & Growth Mindset” page, I added my assignments, but it wasn’t as aesthetically pleasing as it is now. I adjusted fonts, text effects, layout, images, etc. I also paid closer attention to the page’s navigation. I added buttons for links so that viewers could see exactly where to click.

Another change I’ve made is creating my “About” page. This is still a work in progress, but I thought it was essential for the site. Originally, the Home page served as an “About” page, but after closer examination, I realized they needed to be separated into two different pages.

With all the changes I’ve made, one of the most fun has been the organization of my blog page (check out my latest!). Initially, I did not know that I could categorize my blogs, but after learning how, I’ve been able to sort my blogs into the necessary categories. Now, my readers can sort out what interests them.

Creating an ePortfolio has been an exciting challenge. I enjoy making changes and learning new ways to make my space more appealing and interesting to viewers.

Ultimately, the ePortfolio is an intimately personal and authentic platform that allows learners to actively "go and show" their journey of growth and learning.


Harapnuik, D. & Thibodeaux, T. (2023). COVA: Inspire Learning Through Choice, Ownership, Voice, and Authentic Experiences. Learner's Mindset Publishing.

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