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Image by Thomas Lefebvre

Usability & Reflection


Usability & Reflection: 

Incorporating stakeholder feedback, especially from curriculum coordinators and teachers, has been an essential step in ensuring the success and effectiveness of the online course for the Empower Program. These stakeholders provided valuable insight into the usability of the course platforms, navigation, and overall user experience. In addition, these stakeholders possess firsthand knowledge of the needs and preferences of the targeted audience. They ensured the content was relevant, engaging, and aligned with the participants' expectations and learning objectives. 


Altogether, involving stakeholders in the review process not only validates the course content and design but also fosters collaboration and ownership for the success of the online course! Their feedback is incredibly valuable and will help ensure the success of the Empower: Blended Learning Leadership Program. 

To take a look at the outline created for this course, click the button below. 

To view how the unit will be used and a descriptive video walkthrough, click the button below. 

Reflect on who you were able to have conduct the usability testing? Were you able to get the right people? Why or why not? What can you do to better improve this in the future?

I had many stakeholders take the usability test: 

  • Dr. Stephanie Sandwell - Math & Science Curriculum Coordinator

  • Dr. Darrell Evans - ELAR & Social Studies Curriculum Coordinator

  • Lori Lehrman - 3rd Grade Math & Science Teacher

  • Lauren Blasdel - 3rd Grade ELAR & Social Studies Teacher - Cohort member

I believe each of these educators has played a valuable role in improving this online course. When it comes to the Empower Program and the content they will learn, Curriculum Coordinators must be on board and ready to help tackle all the new teaching strategies. Reviewing this course allows them to prepare for the future and gain a greater understanding of where these teachers are headed. 

Furthermore, this course is designed for teachers; who better to have review it than teachers themselves?! Their input was most valuable. 


What impact did your platform (LMS, Google Docs, or other digital sharing) have on the testing and results?

Because we use Google Classroom as our LMS in grades 3-12, I feel like it was exceptionally easy for all stakeholders involved in the review. I was also able to utilize programs such as Flip, Padlet, Nearpod, and Wakelet, all of which were easily used. 


What were the lessons you learned from the usability testing feedback?

I learned I should move the course guidelines closer to the top of the "Start Here" section. Another stakeholder mentioned adding more activities/quizzes throughout the course. 


What have you done to your design to address the usability issues revealed in the testing? What have you added or taken away?
I moved the Course Guidelines and added more activities and quizzes to the course to check for understanding. I also added an Action Plan activity where teachers could choose their form of media. 
How has this process improved your course and your learner's experience?

I believe that adding more activities to the modules has made the course more engaging and meaningful to the teachers. It also gives me, as the instructor, an idea of how teachers are grasping all the new information. 

How has the testing impacted your alignment of outcomes activities and assessment?

The alignment of the outcome activities each week is very similar. If anything, I added more to the activities that were originally listed in the 3-Column Table. 


How will you address the infrastructure, system, and support needs and issues the learner may face?

Any time a teacher has an issue they are able to email or call me. As the Instructional Technology Specialist, I am available at any time to help them. In addition, we will be able to discuss support in the in-person meetings. 



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